Patient Interest Form

Own your health with Medicalchain

We want everyone to feel in control of their health and to become more of an active partner during consultations with doctors when discussing their wellbeing and anything that may be concerning them.

Taking control of your healthcare records is the first step in becoming more confident in discussing your treatment options with doctors and nurses. Medicalchain empowers patients to feel more involved in decision making, providing users access to their personal health records to review investigation results and clinic letters in the comfort of their own home.

We are supporting the evolution of a personalised healthcare system that is faster, more reliable and provides you with better outcomes.

What does Medicalchain do?
  • A free, password protected electronic health passport, which securely holds all of your healthcare records
  • 24/7 access to your healthcare records, via your computer or mobile device
  • Ability to grant any doctor access to your healthcare record at anytime, anywhere in the world
  • Patient friendly information to improve your healthcare literacy and understanding of how best to manage your health and wellbeing
  • Access to an ever growing range of personalised health services

Medicalchain is building an extensive range of healthcare services to create a personalised healthcare experience. The first application to be released imminently is a GP video consultation service which will facilitate a more accessible and engaging consultation.

Medicalchain allows the user to grant their doctor time limited access to their health records when engaging in a consultation with them. This will facilitate patient choice and provide added security as patients will be given the choice of who they share and discuss their health with.

To gain more information on our services, please fill out the contact form below.

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Email Address

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GP Practice

I am registered at the above practice as an: